THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for making this year my best and favorite year yet. I consider this job a magnificent, undeserved, sacred gift, and every day I am reminded just how grateful I am to be doing what I do. When you purchase any piece of my work, you are not only creating a more beautiful and welcoming home for your family, yourself, and your guests, but you are supporting my very livelihood, and that of my family and community which I am committed to supporting in return. For example, if you have purchased from me this year, there is a good chance part of that investment has gone on to support organizations like this one that is a massively impactful force for good in my little city, or this one where you may have helped a high school student afford to spend a week of their summer at a camp where they learn how deeply they are loved, or this one which provides local education, medical care, and mentorship for children (specifically one named Albert) in developing countries, or one of several other incredible organizations making the WORLD a more beautiful and welcoming place for themselves, their families, and their neighbors globally. So thank you. THANK YOU for being a part of this, and for choosing to bring more light, life, rest, goodness, and beauty into your life - it is one of the most important things we can do, and I am thrilled to play my small part.
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